PILOT ANALYSIS, David Lundström

maneuver K Average
Outside half square loop, 4/8-pt. roll up, inverted exit 3 8.17+
Outside immelmann turn, 2/4-pt. roll, inverted exit 2 8.17+
Shark tooth, 2/4-pt. roll up, roll in 45 degree downline 3 8.00+
Half outside loop, with ½ integrated roll, inverted exit 3 7.83+
Stall turn, 2/4-pt.roll up, 4-pt. roll down 4 7.83+
Inverted half cuban 8, 1½ rolls down, inverted exit 3 7.83+
Figure 6, with 1½ rolls down, inverted exit 3 7.67+
Push-pull-push humpty bump, 2/4-pt. roll down 3 7.67+
Snap roll, with 4/8-pt. roll opposite, inverted exit 5 7.50+
Inverted rolling loop, integrated ½ opposite rolls 5 7.33-
Square loop on corner, snap rolls in legs 1 and 3, ½ rolls in legs 2 and 4, inverted exit 6 7.00-
Inverted rolling circle, with 4 rolls opposite, first roll to the inside, inverted exit 5 7.00-
Reverse cuban 8, 2/4-pt. roll, 1½ snap rolls, and full roll in 45 degree downlines, inverted exit 5 7.00-
Triangle loop, 2/4-pt. rolls in 45 degree down and uplines, snap roll on bottom, ½ roll exit 5 7.00-
Snap roll, with 4-pt. roll opposite, inverted exit 5 6.83-
Top hat, 2/4-pt. rolls up and down, 1½ snap roll on top 5 6.67-
Cobra roll, 1½ snap rolls up and down, inverted exit 5 6.67-

Multiplatform result computing application for F3A and F3P; (C) Copyright Seppo Pekkala; www.pekkalan-paja.com/multires